Thursday 22 November 2018

The adventures in getting ready to go...

So!!! We are now 35 days from leaving for Mazatlan! (EEEEKK!) and we have been quite busy with our fundraisers!
The Bigger & Better auction took a change in plans: we have been set up at 2 local malls and have had a rainbow auction with the amazingly generous prizes that were donated by local businesses from Dauphin, Ste.Rose, Riding Mountain, Neepawa and Minnedosa! There are prizes that are ranging from hats and travel mugs to two cases of frozen chickens to local artisan work and electronic accessories to very generous gift cards to local car dealerships! The surprise donation was from Ruff's in Dauphin who donated a brand new rocker recliner!! So we decided to have a silent auction with it!

Ste Rose Mall set up... we were a bit squishy
 but a great day was had!
The Recliner is on site to try out too!!
(I highly recommend it!)

This was the set up at Dauphin Place Mall
when Hannah and other team members were
sharing our mission trip plans

 We are still working on removing envelopes from the "house" which when all envelopes are gone we will officially have the money for the supplies for the house!! We are also hoping to raise funds to purchase furniture for the family as well -- to make their new house a home - this will be an extra $1600USD approximately.

The tables will be set up this Saturday at the Dauphin Place Mall and on Sunday at Grace Baptist Church during our Grey Cup party! Tickets for the rainbow auction or 4 for $5 or 10 for $10 ... or you can try your luck to bid on the fantastically comfy rocker recliner!
If you would like to make a donation you can visit our GoFund me page and receive a tax receipt for it!

Our next fundraiser is this Sunday at Grace Baptist Church! We are having a Grey Cup Party. There is no set charge for tickets, a donation at your discretion, and not only will we be cheering on either the Ottawa Red Blacks (go RED BLACKS!!!) or the Calgary Stampeders but there will be all you can eat Mexican food (tacos, nachos, beans, rice and drinks). Come on out and have a fun night of fellowship, food and fun! Even if you don't follow or like football, come out and bring a game or two, sit and visit and enjoy some food!! Doors will be open at 5:15!

Dennis and I have been enjoying preparing for the mission trip in a way we never expected. God has asked us both to step out of our comfort zones and amazingly enough we survived! We have spoke to many people in regards to the trip (both believers and non believers) and the questions we have been asked and we were able to answer (thank YOU God!) have really helped us to prepare our hearts! We have encountered some people who are not in favour of away from home mission trips and I feel that our responses were ones that left the people with a better understanding of our trip, missions and hopefully God.  Before this trip I know I probably would have been a bit more shy inn y responses but God seems to have filled my heart (and mouth) with words to share AND not shy away with those words! With this being said I am sure there are many more times I could have said something and didn't, so I am praying for the Holy Spirit to work more in me on it!

The days are counting down and with Christmas and life roaring as well, I ask for prayer not only for our trip, but for our hearts to be softened through the hustle and bustle towards those who are here at home in our community. I pray that my eyes will be opened to where God wants me to speak up or serve. I ask for your prayers in this as well!

Thank you so much for all the prayers and donations of prizes, funds and time that you have all bestowed to us for this mission trip so far! Please know that we count ourselves very blessed with your friendships and love!

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