Thursday 11 October 2018

other help needed:

Would you like to do a bit extra along with praying!? We have learned we are able to take clothing and things to Mexico to share with the people there!

Hannah noticed that when she was in Mazatlan last year that they love soccer! So we want to take some balls (deflated of course) and so we will also need a few pumps to blow them up (and leave them) again once there.
A few other ideas of things we would like to take are clothing, personal hygiene items, shoes - all for men, women and children, school supplies. basically things you would put into an Operation Christmas Child box.
There is not much there in Mazatlan for these items (or else we would take down money to purchase in that area to aid in their economy).

If you are wanting to help in this area let us know! I will make arrangements for pick up!

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