Sunday 9 December 2018

Faith CAN move mountains!

With only 19 days left until we begin to make our way to Mazatlan, Mexico, I can't help but be grateful for all that we have, all the people we have already encountered and all the prayers and blessings that have been bestowed on not only Dennis, Hannah and I, but on our whole team as well!
God's love has been literally shining through when we least expect it ... and all I can say is God is good!

Our auction has come and gone and was a success! I think all prizes have been delivered or picked up. We still are just shy of the cost of the house and it would be a wonderfully, beautiful blessing to be able to furnish for the family as well! So we leave it all in His hands (because like a business owner said to us when he was donating an auction prize "His hands are way bigger than ours!" -- Can I get an AMEN!!) and FAITH can move mountains! If you are feeling lead to help us to achieve this goal, you can use the GoFund Me page or contact me and I will help you out with it! (either way you will receive a tax receipt!)

Dennis and I are busy with the typical Christmas busyness and working to get things in order n the farm for us to be away. (Joshua and Dana will be looking after things for us, as well as their own farm). Dennis and I also finished a morning devotion in YouVersion that is to help us to prepare our hearts for our mission trip. It was an eye opener for us, with things you typically don't think about when getting ready! Since this is our first mission, we are a bit nervous but so excited to see what God has in store of our team and for us as individuals!

Hannah is working hard at studying the last week as she goes into her last week of exams before the Christmas break, so she is a tad stressed. We are always praying for our girl (and al our children of course), and we are excited for her to be back at YWAM and hopefully seeing some of her friends!

This journey has me thinking (and I pray, growing) more of my relationship with Christ. I see Him more each day in all sorts of unexpected places. I love my morning time with Him each day and I try to find joy in His wondrous creation daily... in the snow, the hoar frost, the cattle, the sunrises and sunsets, in my family and our little farm. I pray that I will see people (not just in Mexico but here at home too) through His eyes and find more GRACE and MERCY and COMPASSION in my heart for His sons and daughters; to find ways to share His love for them and to spread the gospel and not be afraid to do so.

I pray that each of you are having a wonderful Christmas season and you are enjoying His many rich blessings -- because it's all about Him, right!?

Thank you all once again for your prayers and love and blessings! We truly appreciate and thank our Father for each and every one of you!!

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