Sunday 23 September 2018

God is GOOD!


just WOW! 

Jodi, Pastor Brad & Dennis - just getting set up
Our first fundraiser went pretty good - considering the cool day, the short notice and the fact that we kinda sorta knew what we were doing!

We had the local Co-op in Dauphin help us out by letting us set up in front of the grocery store, they gave us a tent to use, a BBQ {with propane}, a $50.00 dollar gift card to help us get started and they ran a tab for us all afternoon as we needed supplies!

We sold burgers, hot dogs, drinks and chips - and we made OVER $500.00!! I think we were all pleasantly surprised about it!

The Envelope Donation House
We also had the "envelope house" up for people to by an envelope! The envelopes are numbered 1-176 ... the numbers are dollar amounts ... and you pick, add amount you are donating, write your name, address and phone number on the outside (you can get a tax donation receipt) and drop it in the donation box! {Easy, peasy, lemon, squeezy!} As the envelopes are removed there is a painting of a house underneath that is revealed! we had a few envelopes as well head into the donation box!

Close to the end of the day 

All in all, I think, our first fundraiser was pretty good!

Thank YOU to the Dauphin Co-op for all your help, advice and contributions to our efforts,  to those from  mission team who took time help on the day and before hand, those who stopped by for lunch, snack, for support or even just to see what we were doing! We truly appreciate you all!

Also, thank you to the people who have given us {the Ginter's} a financial donation towards our trip and who have been added to our prayer team!! We love and appreciate you all!

IF you are wanting to join our prayer team, please keep coming back to see what our prayer requests are, OR you can email, call or text us! You can read more about Homes of Hope and what they are all about and what they are doing by clicking on the link in the top left corner! 

at the end of the day :)

IF you are wanting to support us as a team or as a family you can click on the link for the Go Fund Me page (top left corner) for a tax receipt or you can contact either Dennis, Hannah or I for how to help us reach our personal goal of $4500 to get us to Mazatlan!

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