Wednesday 19 September 2018

a great place to start!

Hi!! If you have found our blog page it is most likely (we hope) it is because you want to partner with us for our family mission trip to Mazatlan, Mexico in December!
Hannah, Dennis, Jodi - 1/2 of the Ginter family 
We are going with others from our church (Grace Baptist Church in Ochre River) and we are going to build a home! We have teamed up with YWAM
(Youth with a Mission) and they are through with Homes of Hope, to help us build a family a home!
The plan is to build the home in three days and then the remainder of the week will be spent spreading the gospel and the love of God in many ways like: handing out bibles, interacting with local kids through soccer, visiting area of need, doing prayer walks, etc.
Wonder how YOU can help?! For starters — PRAY!! Please for Dennis, Hannah and I as we are trying to listen to hear what God wants from us. WE are needing prayer for many other areas: preparing for the trip, being in Mexico, leaving Mexico, things on our farm will be uneventful while we are gone, raising enough money to get the materials (and hopefully furniture as well) for the home, money for the travel to and from Mexico and I am sure there are tonnes of other things to pray for and as they are brought to our mind we will add them to a running Prayers and Praise list!
If you feel lead to do so you can help support our trip financially. There is a Go Fund me page set up for our group or you can send a cheque to our church and a receipt will be mailed to you. (mailing address will be in the side link along with the go fund me link).
If you have any good ideas or want to help in fundraising in a physical way let us know! With that said we have a few fundraiser ideas in the works as of right now and we are praying they go off well! Some plans are a Grey Cup Party at the church – watch the football game on the big screen!  The evening will include the large screen game, taco bar and pop!  We are also preparing for a Big&Better auction where we will ask local businesses (from Neepawa and area and Dauphin and area) to challenge another business to donate a Bigger or Better prize for us to auction off at a local play.  There will also be an ongoing envelope pull where you can pull the envelope of the donation you want to make towards the building of the house! Tomorrow we are going to be having a hotdog sale in Dauphin at the Co-op from 11-1 and 3-5.
The bible verse that is keeping us going and encouraged is “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. Hebrews 3:4 — so please playfully consider partnering with in whatever manner you feel you are being called to and lets see where God will take us all on this journey!

We are very excited to be going and doing this work! Some of you will already know why we are heading to Mazatlan – but some won’t. Our daughter Hannah was with YWAM MAzatlan last year and experienced such amazing things that when she returned from her schooling and outreach, she strongly felt God calling her back to Mexico to do something more… enter Home of Hope!! so with others who were also excited to follow God’s calling, she and our Associate Pastor began digging into it and setting up what was needed! AND now we begin the task of making it a reality as we follow His nudging and whispers!
Please keep checking in with us to see where we are at in prayer requests, praises and fundraising as we only have about 101 days until we leave for our mission trip!
Thank you for your time and prayers!!
can you tell we're a bit excited!? 
Your family in Christ,
Jodi, Dennis & Hannah

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