Saturday 22 February 2020

Lala “issues”and a tour...

Anyone who knows us, knows that Dennis and I enjoy good coffee in the mornings and  since we have been here, we have really grown to love our coffee and our cream - which leads me to share a funny story. 
Dennis and I were shopping and buying some groceries when we first arrived, being avid coffee drinkers (with cream) we began our hunt of the Soriana store! We found many coffee cream like packages in the middle aisles (non refrigerated) and creamers, but no real cream. As we searched the store we figured we would be enjoying our Looney Bean coffee black for the month! But God knew we would enjoy our morning coffees SO much more if we had actual cream! (Isn’t he amazing to think of even the small, crazy, insignificant things?!)  As we searched we found the refrigeration area and low and behold CREAM! So we bought a small bottle and found it is so thick it is the same idea as Clotted Cream in the UK. It is the most delicious addition to our morning coffee... oh my!  So fast forward to the next week where at Ley’s (a smaller grocery chain - similar to an IGA) we found the same Lala brand but in a bigger bottle AND in a tub (since it’s so thick it would be easier to use in the mornings!) 
We buy both, take them home and the next morning I open the tub and taste it... this is NOT cream... it is sour cream! which I had enjoyed a few days before with my tostados at breakfast... at the base. Good thing I had tasted it first... but if you look at the picture you can see why we would be confused ... lol to say the least the kitchen staff got a good giggle from my sour cream/coffee cream story... and yet no one could explain the labeling to me! So long story short, when in Mexico and wanting to really enjoy your coffee, always buy the BOTTLE of crema fresca. 

Tonight is our last night of Carnaval and we will be out until 1am, then back to the base and I have to dump my photos for media, Dennis will be bringing back the cafe things (because they tear it all down each night), so it will be a very late night for us again! Tomorrow we hope to get some basic house needs done, a bit of time in the sun and gearing up for packing for home! 

So this morning I did a quick video of the base, and I need to apologize to Sebastian! I introduced him as Chino (insert eye roll here)... not sure why I did that! Lol can I beg late night, little sleep and early mornings?! lo siento, Sebastian! I am still working on my video-ing skills but you’ll get the idea of it all and see where we have spent our last month! There have been some big changes in the last year and it is still changing daily! Enjoy  the tour! 

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