Friday 21 December 2018

Dennis' message!

The count down is on for us to leave on our mission trip to build a home for a family in Mexico. The excitement is building each day and has been ever since I felt that God was asking me to go on this trip. I am not sure why He is asking me to do this as I have never had the desire to go on mission before this. I truly believe that my Heavenly Father is asking this of me and I feel completely at peace with the decision to go. 

The mission to spread the gospel has started long before we get to Mexico as we have been able to share our faith in Jesus Christ with friends, family and total strangers as we have been fund raising and searching out prayer support. Some (businesses and individuals)have excitedly accepted opportunity to share in the mission that our Lord has set before us, while others have outright rejected this opportunity.

 The Lord has asked me to step way out of my comfort zone and has been teaching me so many truths about Himself. This has encouraged me to dig deeper into scripture to learn more and has greatly improved my prayer life and time spent with Him. Through this process I have also learned somethings about myself, some of which are ugly and others which are not so much, either way it has began some  much needed healing in my life. 

I am so excited and blessed that our Lord has trusted me to go to the ends of the earth (Mexico) to share the good news of what He has done on the cross for us all if we choose to accept His free gift of salvation. I am looking forward to working  side by side with the others in our team that He has chosen to spread His word. I cant wait to meet the family God is blessing with a house as well as whom ever He asks us to love while on this trip.

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